Friday, November 22, 2024

The Error

I penciled two lines,
for my cutout notch,
to add a latch in back door.

I chiseled so carefully,
but cut along the wrong lines,
and crafted a glowing error.

I darkened my lines,
chiseled once more,
and dolefully screwed in the latch.

With the error full exposed,
I confessed to my spouse,
who replied with another door fact.

She said our last house front door
counted three chiseled notches.
I’ve wondered why someone put them there.

You've cut only two.
Put away your tools.
Two won’t matter much dear.

My shoulders relaxed.
Disappointment diminished.
My burden released by a share.

So sorry for the soul-
who stands alone in his head-
when clouds hang low in the air.

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