Thursday, August 15, 2019

August and Chicory

The work week may soften somewhat in August;
Just as the harsh summer sun gives way to more evening.
August allows a time for pause and contemplation;
A time to gather ‘round nature’s rewards.

In August, farmer and combine glide through barley and beans and oats.
Harvesting augers up a visual and monetary reward from every hopper.
The gardener’s basket overflows with zucchini and tomato and pepper.
August neighbors chat more, and share more, from their bounty.

Whole families live in the forest in August, or at the lake, or near a monument.
County fairs fasten ribbons unto sunflowers and roosters and pies.
Ducklings and goslings practice flight, while dining with parents, at summer's home.
Tree canopies have grown full, and give rest, under mid summer's dry heat.

August ambles down country lanes, and over cooling evening sidewalks.
August eases onto backyard lawn chairs and front porch swings.
Come August, swaths of chicory flower along our graveled midwest roadsides-
Glowing in lavender blues. Waving at passers-by.

August is the most kind month of the year.
August is what we have waited for.
August is my long sturdy row of sunny lavender blue chicory.
August and chicory, two fond soothing thoughts.