Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Winter Blue

No star guiding lights.
No moon shinings bright.
Just angelic white
falls in my yard tonight.

Brown weeds are but gone;
So are my boot tracks.
A bright face of white
reflects my yard tonight.

Come morning the squirrel
and my curious wren
will find the snow white
nature gave yard tonight.

Such a simple plan matched
does change my thinking,
and I copy this right-
sensing angels tonight.

Winter blue- aging foe,
our sessions have ended.
They've come bringing light,
eroding our moody nights.

Dull thoughts are but gone;
I'll sweep their boot tracks.
My face mirrors the bright
given my yard tonight.

Come morning the neighbor
and my curious friend,
I shall meet with delight,
same as my yard tonight.

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